Greek Islands are NOT For Sale

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Headlines have been screaming of reports such as the one I came across today:  “GREECE may be forced to rent out The Acropolis and sell some of its famous holiday islands to pay its debts.”  The aforementioned headline appeared in an Australian News Outlet

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Frankly I am sick and tired of these sensationalized headlines that have been going on since Greece’s debt crisis first broke.  Greece selling its islands would be the equivalent of Argentina selling the Talampaya National Park or New York City Selling the Statue of Liberty.    Both Argentina and NYC incidentally have experienced their own serious debt crisis’s in the past, survived and are now thriving without the need to have sold some of their most coveted assets.

Greece has a difficult road ahead of itself, but such roads have been traversed before successfully.  Selling its treasured islands would solve the crisis today for this generation, but would bankrupt and enslave the future generations of Hellenes.  For now why does not the media concentrate on the redeeming qualities of Greece which attract millions of visitors each year from around the globe.   If the media was to do this Greece would rocket out of this debt crisis and go back to being the summer play ground that the ancient gods deemed it to be.

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